- ALL YOUR GODS ARE DEAD has arrived. Buy it now from HUMDRUMMING or live to regret it. Shocklines are stocking this in the US, and other friendly book dealers should be able to get you a copy.
- My story GUIDANCE will appear in a limited hardcover anthology from DEAD LETTER PRESS. The book will be called Bound By Evil, and is due out either late 2007 or early 2008. My contribution is a very dark and very strange set in Germany.
- Just thought I'd post this first REVIEW of ALL YOUR GODS ARE DEAD. (mine is the 5th or 6th down the list). I'll get links up here as soon as more come in.
- There's also a nice review of LOVE & SACRIFICE, which mentions my STORY (just scroll right down the page and you'll find it).
- I've also sold a story called FAMILY FISHING to editor Charles Black for his upcoming anthology, The Black Book of Horror. Both these projects boast a terrific list of writers, and I'm delighted to be involved.
- My collection DIRTY PRAYERS will be out from Gray Friar Press very soon - hopefully by the end of May. There's been a slight delay on this one, but anyone interested (that means you, mother!) can rest assured that the book will be worth the wait. If I die tomorrow, this is the one I'd be happy to leave behind. A culmination of over 20 years hard work, the book should be written in my blood.
- Finally, I have some wonderful news. A few months ago I put together an anthology pitch featuring outstanding novelettes from UK writers Paul Finch, Mark West, Simon Bestwick and Stuart Young, as well as a contribution from my humble self. Well, Chris Teauge at Pendragon Press has read the manuscript and offered to publish it. Look out for WE FADE TO GREY in 2008, to be launched at that years's FantasyCon.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Lots of news this time round, and all of it good: