Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Birthday blues

So today is my birthday. I'm 39 years old. One year closer to death and one year away from looking officialy sad in my Mighty Boosh T-shirt.

Anyway, to help combat the mortality blues I've started on a new novel. Hopefully I'll actually finish this one.

The working title is ALL DEAD THINGS, and it's a Thomas Usher novel. Usher is my beloved serial character, the "star" of stories like HUM DRUM and the forthcoming collection TO USHER THE DEAD (due out in 2009).

A major editor told me recently that he'd be very interested in seeing an Usher novel if I ever got round to writing one, and if that isn't a good enough reason to get one done I don't know what is...

I already have most of the plot for ALL DEAD THINGS mapped out in my head. It features beautiful hanged girls, a dubious northern businessmen who runs a seedy strip club, a Jamesian ghost, hoody-wearing demons, Usher's tragic past and the genesis of his "gift", and something nasty from the great beyond...


Anonymous said...

Hey Gary how odd - I'm currently writing a Henderson story set in a lapdancing club 'up North'. Are the managers of these places ever anything other than seedy? We should make one a lay preacher / charity worker on the side :->

Gary Mc said...

In my experince, they are always seedy...

Anonymous said...

Sounds good - you've got to love seedy!