Tuesday, September 16, 2008

FantasyCon 2008

So this weekend is FantasyCon, the annual event where I get to launch books, buy books, get pissed and catch up with a few faces I only ever see at gatherings like this. Basically, it'll be a damn good time.

This year I'll be a bit busy, and am only there for the Saturday (2oth). Here's my loose itinerary:
  • 11 am: Launch event for How to Make Monsters.
  • 2 pm: my first ever public reading. Gulp.
  • 4 - 4:45: Launch event for We Fade to Grey.
  • 5:30 - 6:30: I'll be participating in the Best New Horror signing Steve Jones has organised, which should be fun.

I also plan to catch some readings and attend a panel or two. If anyone out there reads this thins, and if you are attending Fcon - I hope to see you there...

All Your Gods Are Dead and Dirty Prayers are both nominated for awards in seperate categories, but won't win - so I'll be off out to eat somewhere before returning to catch the tail-end of the award announcements and then proceeding to get even more drunk in the bar.

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