Tuesday, January 19, 2010

At Last, That Big Annoucement...

I'm delighted to finally be able to announce that Angry Robot/HarperCollins will publish my next two books, Pretty Little Dead Things and the sequel Dead Bad Things.

More details here: Angry Robot

Now the really hard work begins.


Mihai A. said...

Congratualtions! Excellent news and very well deserved!
Maybe now Thomas Usher will develop in his full force ;)

Mark said...

Brilliant news, Gary - onwards and ever upwards!

Ross Warren said...

Congratulations!! Epic news, very much looking forward to reading them.

Gary Mc said...

Thanks, folks. You're very kind. Hope you enjoy the books when they come out!

Cate Gardner said...

I just saw the news via an Angry Robot Books tweet on twitter - fabulous news. Congratulations, Gary.