So I managed to get a couple of thousand words done on my novella The Grieving Stones late last week. My momentum was broken because I was away over the weekend, but it feels good to be working again with some kind of drive and forward motion.
The editor I sent my short story The Yellow Film to liked it, and now the edits are done. I recently sold a story to Mark Morris for The Spectral Book of Horror, and my contributor copy of the Ellen Datlow anthology Fearful Symmetries is on its way. I'm really looking forward to reading this one. It features an incredible line-up of talent and the reviews so far have been stellar (my story Kaiju even got a mention in one of them).
After a long spell of the creative doldrums, I'm starting to feel like I'm a writer again. Maybe.
Speaking of Kaiju, I've been toying with the idea of expanding the themes of the story into a short character-driven novel. It probably isn't a very commercial idea, but my mind keeps being drawn towards the flyblown carcasses of huge monsters, the solemn aftermath of a gigantic, destructive battle, and a lot of broken people with stories to tell...
A couple of possible titles have even suggested themselves: After the Monsters Came or Maybe Monsters.
We'll see, we'll see...
But not Probably Monsters please. :-)
Looking forward to Fearul. Hope it arrives before I move...
Just been reading Fearful Symmetries, and really liked the what you created with Kaiju. It felt like an introduction to something larger but also holds it's own as a tone piece. A kaiju aftermath story/novel would be fantastic, you're the man for it!
Thanks, Nick!
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