Friday, April 17, 2009

Best New Horror #20

I'm delighted to announce that my story Through the Cracks, from the collection How to Make Monsters, has been selected by uber editor Steve Jones to appear in THE MAMMOTH BOOK OF BEST NEW HORROR 20.

And yes, that does seem to be my name on the cover. (Keep quiet about it and they might leave it there.)


Michael Kelly said...

Terrific, Gary! Congratulations!

Ross Warren said...

Excellent story, and that's a much improved cover over volume 19.

Chris said...

Aye, less homo-erotic than Graham Norton in drag!

Great news, Gary, and not often you can say that you're on top of Sarah Pinborough. ;-)

(Me, debase a conversation with sledge-hammer innuendo? shurely shome mishtake).

Richard Gavin said...

Congratulations, Gary!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Gary. I liked your story and the whole collection (see my review in the April issue of HORRORWORLD, currently online)
Mario Guslandi